Hydrogen provides various text utility classes for typography.
You can use semantic heading tag in your HTML and our styles will be applied.
Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 4
Heading 5
Heading 6
You can use also use heading classes to apply the same styles
where the semantic elements can't be used. Heading classes
to .h6
can be used.
Class heading 1
Class heading 2
Class heading 3
Class Heading 4
Class heading 5
Class heading 6
Text Utility Classes
Hydrogen provided multiple utility classes for text sizes, font weights, text decoration and color.
Text Sizes
You can use .txt-lg
class for large size text,
class for medium size text,
class for regular size text, and
class for small size text.
Large Text
Medium Text
Regular Text
Small Text
Text Weights
Font weights varied from 300 to 900. Hydrogen has
class for font weight 300,
for 400,
for 600, .txt-bold
700, and .txt-black
for font weight 900.
Light Text
Regular Text
Semibold Text
Bold Text
Black Text
Text decoration and alignment
To make your text gray/ secondary use
class. You can make your text
white using .txt-white
applies line-through your
You can center your text using .txt-center
and align to right using .txt-right
Gray Text
Strike through text
Centered text
Text aligned right.